The sun rises slowly meanwhile we are running to catch a mototaxi in order to get closer to San Patong. Where we have to take a yellow pick-up truck, shared taxi, and then an Uber to get out of Chiang May and arrive at the factory.
It’s ten to eight in the morning and we have travelled for more than an hour and a half.
Waiting for Dan being unsure if we are in the correct place. While, having yogurt for breakfast that we just got before getting on a yellow bus.
The light is warm, and, even though it’s early it’s already quite hot.
Between cars passing by, some trucks crowed of workers looking amazed by us, taking pics.
We see that there are some big front doors close to the exact coordinates on the mobile. We can recognise some ceramic pieces that we found at Studio M50 in Chiang Mai.
We now know we are waiting in the right place.
Dan welcomes us.
Trucks and dirt.
Coming in through one of the big front doors a truck packed with dirt.
It’s our first contact with the raw material.
Dan explains that they extract it themselves from the local region of Lanna, Mae Tang, in Chiang Mai. Once in the factory, their mixing, pressing and extrusion line machines deliver the necessary mug consistency for making the pieces.
Getting into the factory.
Inside, the atmosphere changes. We left behind the sunrise warm light and yellow colour which was breathed outside. Now, light is soft and the atmosphere is heated by ovens and effort of people working.
Various light points allow us to see where the workstations are located.
Following the footpath we arrive at a point where seven workers work freely on pottery wheels, making each of the pieces with special dimensions and characteristics. Meanwhile, Dan keeps explaining the steps process and gives time to process the given information.
Following the path.
Hombres. Tornos. Brazos. Fuerza. Sudor. Marrón. Mujeres. Detalles. Dedos. Delicadeza. Concentración. Esmaltes. Color. Aire. Pistola. Piñas. Hornos. Calor. Brasas. Producción.
Men. Wheels. Arms. Strength. Sweat. Chestnut. Women. Details. Fingers. Delicacy. Concentration. Enamel. Colour. Air. Guns. Pines. Ovens. Heat. Embers. Production.
At the end of the tour, Dan has explained to us heaps of thing that I think is interesting to know of this process, at the same time makes us reflect on our romantic way of looking at “H A N D M A D E”.